28 października 2019 r., kilka dni po śmierci przywódcy ISIS, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadiego w rajdzie sił USA w Syrii, syryjski opozycjonista, Mustafa Sedżari, starszy funkcjonariusz w popieranej przez Turcję grupie opozycyjnej, Brygada Mu’tasim, opublikował artykuł o prowokacyjnym tytule  Śmierć Ameryce i niech żyje Al-Baghdadi, Emir Wiernych. Wiadomo, że Sedżari ma kontakty z rządem USA. W styczniu 2018 r. był w delegacji syryjskiej opozycji w Waszyngtonie[1], a we wrześniu 2019 r. uczestniczył w spotkaniu w Turcji z przedstawicielami Departamentu Stanu USA [2]. Ponadto jego grupa otrzymywała pomoc od USA[3].

W pierwszej części artykułu Sedżari prezentuje dyskurs, jaki istnieje w świecie arabskim, który wychwala Al-Baghdadiego jako bohatera i wzór osobowy, przeklinając USA jako kraj, który broni dyktatorskich reżimów, upokarza Arabów i jest wrogi wobec islamu. W drugiej części artykułu  Seradżi wyjaśnia, że nie podziela tych poglądów. Są to uczucia wobec USA, które przeważają w Syrii i wśród wielu innych Arabów i muzułmanów, podczas gdy on sam wierzy w budowanie zaufania i tworzenie dobrych stosunków z tym krajem. Pisze następnie, że tymi, którzy są odpowiedzialni za wrogość arabskiej ulicy wobec USA, są w rzeczywistości arabskie reżimy, takie jak reżim Baszara Al-Assada, który przez wiele dziesięcioleci kultywował wrogość i nieufność swojej ludności wobec USA przez przedstawianie Ameryki jako „Wielkiego Szatana”, a równocześnie przekonując USA, że narody arabskie są źródłem terroru.

Sedżari wzywa USA do zadośćuczynienia tej niesprawiedliwości przez przyjęcie polityki szczerego pojednania z narodami arabskimi i przez pomoc dla nich w walce z dyktatorskimi reżimami (szczególnie zwracając uwagę na reżim Assada), bo jest to jedyna droga do zakończenia terroru i osiągnięcia wolności i pokoju.

Należy wspomnieć, że tytuł artykułu Sedżariego i twierdzenia wysunięte w pierwszej części spowodowały, że wielu nie zrozumiało jego przesłania i przedstawia go jako antyamerykańskiego zwolennika ISIS. Odparł na to, że są to jedynie próby podżegania opinii publicznej przeciwko niemu i że „terroryści nigdy nie czytają więcej niż tytuł”[4]. Kiedy później opublikował angielskie tłumaczenie artykułu, zmienił tytuł, by wyjaśnić swoje intencje.  

Poniże podajemy fragmenty jego artykułu w tłumaczeniu MEMRI.

[Ciąg dalszy tekstu nie jest spolszczony]

Mustafa Sejari (Source: eldorar.com)

The Anti-American Discourse Prevailing In The Arab Street Is The Result Of False Propaganda Spread By The Arab Regimes

„Hundreds of young people, if not thousands or more, now chant in unison… 'Death to America, death to Trump, [and] long live Al-Baghdadi, Leader of the Faithful.’ He died a great hero, a brave man who inspired hundreds or thousands, and in the future perhaps even millions. And how can it be otherwise, if the U.S. killed him and placed [a reward of] millions on his head?…

„Yes, [we are talking of] the U.S., the spiritual mentor of the Israelis, who for decades has been supporting their crimes against the Palestinians; the Americans, who purport to be democratic but are [actually] the greatest supporters of the dictatorial regimes; the U.S. that is occupying Iraq and stealing its resources; the U.S. that strives to humiliate the Arabs and Muslims for the benefit of the Iranians and Israelis; the U.S. that is hostile to Islam and the Muslims; the U.S. that is fighting for the sake of the jihad and the jihad fighters…

„What are most of the Syrians in Syria saying today? 'The U.S. takes part in killing us. It talks about red lines [but in practice] does nothing for us. It talks about fighting terror, but [Syria’s ambassador to the UN], Bashar Al-Jaafari, is there thanks to the U.S., and Bashar Al-Assad [remains] in his seat thanks to an [American] decision… And what about the current U.S. withdrawal [from Syria]? Has Trump not handed those areas to Assad and Iran?

„That is part of the discourse on the streets. Some ask, how many civilians did Al-Baghadadi murder, and how many has Bashar Al-Assad murdered? Which one of them used chemical weapons, fissile materials and cluster bombs, and never stopped using barrel [bombs]? What has Al-Baghdadi done that Assad and the [Kurdish] separatists have not done? Al-Baghdadi murdered and they murdered, Al-Baghdadi burned and they burned, Al-Baghdadi expelled [Syrians from their homes] and so did they, Al-Baghdadi slaughtered people and so did they… The [only] difference is that [Al-Baghdadi] did this in front of cameras, while Assad and the separataists did it behind the cameras. Why then this American double standard?… And after all this, does anyone expect our people and the peoples of the region to say, 'thank you, Trump, thank you, America’?

„My article is not at all directed at the Syrian, Arab or Muslim public. Some people [probably] think that [the statements] in its first part are reasonable and accepted by all, and are [merely] an explicit recognition of America’s dark side. [But] how [could I say such things], as one who preaches establishing excellent relations with the U.S. and trusting the Americans? Some people will surely regard [the second part of the article] as 'recruited’ and as a reversal of the [real] facts, as a fabrication and an attempt at deception. I understand that my role in serving my people is a very difficult one… but I also understand that 'knowledge is security’, so this is my message to my friends, the Americans…

„Before the Syrian revolution, we derived all our knowledge about the U.S. from the sources available to us, which were limited to what the regime of Assad Sr. provided us. [Our sources of information were] elementary school, high school and university; circles [close to the political] parties; television and the press; plays, series and programs; rumors and what people close to the regime told us. [Hafez Al-Assad’s] son [Bashar] continued in his footsteps, so [we still] had no other sources, and all [these sources] pointed in the same direction: the U.S. is the 'Great Satan.’ Yes, that is how we lived and were raised, and that was the [image of] the U.S. for many of us…

„[At the same time], the Arab regimes and other elements with [various] interests presented the peoples of the region to the Americans as wild beasts of prey, ravenous dogs and extremist gangs. Islam [was presented to them] as the source of terror, and the Muslims as the greatest threat to the world… The Arab regimes [presented themselves to the U.S.] as the only force that could curb the ambitions of the Islamists and the terror organizations…”

„America is Not The Great Satan And We Are Not The Source Of Terror In The World”

„[But] the fact is that the U.S. is not the Great Satan and we are not the source of terror in the world. America fulfils its natural role as the leader of the world, and we demand our natural right to live like the rest of the world…

„Our questions to our American friends are the following: What now? You have killed Al-Baghdadi, [but] have you defeated terror? Are there any guarantees that Al-Baghdadi will not be succeeded by [another] Al-Baghdadi, or by thousands of them? Not long ago you ended your war on Al-Qaeda when you said 'We have killed bin Laden.’ But there were also [his successor Ayman] Al-Zawahiri, [Al-Qaeda’s leader in Iraq Abu Mus’ab] Al-Zarqawi, [ISIS spokesman Abu Muhammad] Al-’Adnani, [Abu Bakr] Al-Baghdadi [himself and the leader of the Tahrir Al-Sham organization, Abu Muhammad] Al-Joulani. This is a never-ending war, because its reasons and motivations have not been addressed. Military war, on its own, is not effective.

„Do not rely on a false victory. Do not be a tool in the hands of the criminal and dictatorial regional governments. This way terror will never cease and the war will never end. With this policy, you show hostility towards a great and noble nation and towards decent peoples, and display enmity towards them for no good reason. My American friends, the peoples and the youth of the region are victims of a heinous local policy [whose leaders] use the U.S. to confront their peoples, while using the young people of the nation to harm U.S. interests.

„In short, my message to you is to carry out a genuine reconciliation with the peoples of the region. All we ask is that you give yourselves and us a chance and help us attain our freedom and defend our honor… Terror will only be eradicated by eradicating the hostile, dictatorial sectarian regimes. Terror will end only when you stand with the peoples that dream of liberty, justice and democracy.

„My friends the Americans, I am one of those who were given an opportunity to get to know you. I realize that you are a good and wonderful nation, but my honorable [Syrian] people, and the [other] peoples of the region, are [also] entitled to know you, through your support for our just causes. True, you have recognized the just nature of our Syrian cause, but your policy towards us is still bad.

„Tyranny, oppression, poverty and ignorance are the main incubators of terror. Let us eradicate terror together by eradicating its motivations, causes, supporters, instigators and those who benefit from it, until the day comes when we no longer hear [calls of] 'death to America and long live Al-Baghdadi, Emir of the Faithful.’ Let us work together towards the day we will [all] say: 'long live all of us, and long live peace.'”[5]

[1] Al-Akhbar (Lebanon), January 6, 2018.

[2] Twitter.com/MustafaSejari, September 20, 2019.

[3] Zamanalwsl.net, July 29, 2017.

[4] Twitter.com/MustafaSejari, October 28, 2019.

[5] Nedaa-sy.com, October 28, 2019.