Saleh Al-Arouri, wiceprzewodniczący Biura Politycznego Hamasu, powiedział, że żydowska imigracja do Palestyny opierała sie na micie, takim jak mit, że Jerozolima należy do Żydów lub że Palestyna jest żydowską Ziemią Obiecaną. Powiedział, że Żydzi wyssali te mity „z palca”. Powiedział to w wywiadzie nadanym przez Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas-Gaza) 12 maja 2021. Al-Arouri wyjaśnił, że to jest powodem, dla którego Jerozolima jest sednem izraelsko-palestyńskiego konfliktu, mówiąc, że Żydzi po prostu przechodzą przez kraj, jak inne narody przed nimi, jak krzyżowcy. Powiedział, że Żydzi właśnie przeszli przez ten teren, zostając 50-70 lat, jak plemiona nomadów.  

Al-Arouri powiedział następnie, że syjonistyczny twór został upokorzony przez ostrzeżenia Brygad 'Izz Al-Din Al-Kassam, które spowodowały, że wycofali się z meczetu Al-Aksa. Powiedział, że infrastruktura ruchu oporu w Gazie została zaprojektowana do radzenia sobie z „tymi wyzwaniami” i dlatego wróg nie może wyrządzić ruchowi oporu żadnej „realnej szkody”.  Al-Arouri powiedział, że wysocy rangą dowódcy Hamasu zostali “męczennikami”, dodając, że „To jest normalne”. Powiedział, że każdy, kto spędził 20 lub 30 lat w organizacji, chce zostać męczennikiem.  

Al-Arouri powiedział także, że przywódca Hamasu, Jahja Sinwar i dowódca Brygad  'Izz Al-Din Al-Kasam, Mohammad Deif, oświadczyli, że Hamas jest gotowy do wojny, która będzie trwała wiele miesięcy. Powiedział następnie, że Hamas tylko czyścił magazyny z nadmiaru starych rakiet i że nadal ma wiele nowych i celnych. Al-Arouri powiedział, że ma nadzieję, że obraz zwycięstwa zostanie stworzony przez Hamas we wszystkich częściach kraju, w Jerozolimie, na Zachodnim Brzegu i w granicach 1948 roku.  

Aby zobaczyć klip z funkcjonariuszem Hamasu, Salehem Al-Arourim w MEMRI TV, kliknij tutaj lub poniżej.


Jewish Immigration To Palestine „Was Based On A Myth… Invented Out Of Thin Air” That „Jerusalem Had Been Their Capital And That They Had A Temple There

Saleh Al-Arouri: „The Jews’ immigration to Palestine from all corners of the world, in order to establish their state, was based on the myth that Jerusalem had been their capital and that they had a temple there, that Jerusalem belongs to them, and that it is their Promised Land.

„These are the myths that they have invented out of thin air. Therefore, Jerusalem is the heart of the conflict.


„Many nations have tried to take over Jerusalem. Europe with all its might, came and occupied Jerusalem for 100 years. But our nation did not despair, it did not become weary, or get tired. It fought [the Crusaders] until it regained this sacred space.


„The Israelites were among the nations that have passed through here. They passed through here for 50 or 70 years, like tribes of nomads do. Now they are saying again that this is their land. Okay, but whose land was it before and after you?


„[Israel] Cannot Cause The Resistance Real Harm… [Because The Resistance] Was Adapted To The Enemy And Its Capabilities”

„The [Zionist] entity was humiliated. When faced with the warmings of the Qassem [Brigades], the occupation troops pulled out of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.


„Ever since the resistance against the occupation began in Gaza, the occupation had the superior airforce and intelligence. It had satellites, listening devices, and espionage equipment. It had the capability to control the communications, and so on. Therefore, the infrastructure of the resistance in Gaza has been designed to deal with these challenges. This is why they cannot cause the resistance real harm.

„Commanders in our ranks have been martyred. That’s normal. Abu Mohammad Al-Jabari was martyred. Sheikh Ahmad Yassin was martyred. Abu Shamalah, Al-Attar, and Yahya Ayyash were all martyred. All the commanders of our resistance have been martyred. That’s normal. This is the grace that Allah bestows upon us. Ultimately, Allah signals His acceptance by selecting us to be martyrs.

„Anyone who spends 20-30 years on the path of the resistance will end up as a martyr. But he also generates victory.

„Therefore, the infrastructure of the resistance in Gaza is not exposed to the enemy, to prevent them from using the weapons in which they have superiority. The resistance was not designed in the classic and intuitive way an army is built. No. It was adapted to the enemy and its capabilities.

„The Shells That Kill The [Palestinian] Children, Fighters, And Mujahideen Are American; The Airplanes Are American As Well”

„Therefore, in the previous war, in 2014, our resistance fought for 50 days, and it was hit every day and with the same intensity. The enemy has used all the capabilities in its arsenals. All that was left was the enemy’s nuclear weapon. It had used everything else.

„In this war, they began using the F-35 planes, which they had brought from America a few days ago. This is just so everybody knows that America is fighting us directly, on the ground. The shells that kill the children, fighters, and mujahideen are American. The airplanes are American as well.

„The resistance was designed to last for a long while. The commanders of the resistance in Gaza have said – brother Abu Ibrahim [Al-Sinwar] said it clearly more than once, and [Mohammed] 'Abu Khaled’ Deif also talked about it… They said that we are ready for a war that would last months. Months!


„The Resistance Is Capable [Of Fighting] For Many Months… So Far, The Resistance Has Been Getting Rid Of Its Surplus Of Old Rockets… To Make Room For The Powerful And Accurate Modern Missiles”

„The ability of the resistance to hit deep in the enemy’s own turf, and to shatter the enemy’s morale and the morale of its people is much higher than the occupation’s ability to shatter our own morale.


„The resistance is capable, and wants, or rather, it is willing to fight for many months and with time, the intensity of the resistance will grow rather than diminish.

„I would also like to say that so far, the resistance has been getting rid of its surplus of old rockets. We had a problem with the old rockets that we had prepared but we have much better ones now…

„We can now empty the launching pads, to make room for the powerful and accurate modern missiles.

„Therefore, the more time goes by, the intensity of the resistance against the occupation will increase, and it will get hit from places it anticipates and from places it does not.

„It will receive blows from Gaza, from within [Israel], from Jerusalem, and from the West Bank.


„The resistance will not allow [Israel] to create an image of victory. In the 2014 war, the image of victory was of the [Israeli] soldier under the boots of the mujahideen. In this war, the bombing of the streets and towers will not be the image of victory. The image of victory will be painted by our jihadi Brigades. The image of victory will have several parts, in Gaza and elsewhere. We hope that in every part of our homeland – our people in Jerusalem, in the West Bank, and within the 1948 borders – a part of the image of victory is waiting for you to create it.


„We are not looking for an open war. We told all the mediators that we did not ignite this war. The war is raging because of the aggression against the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The war started there and it was started by the occupation. 

„We are ready for this round of fighting to end, if the holy places and Jerusalem are protected and defended, and the people of Jerusalem are protected from eviction and banishment.”