W artykule zatytułowanym Ameryka i jej współudział w zbrodni, opublikowanym  20 maja 2019 r. palestyńskiej gazecie „Al-Ayyam”, Atef Abu Saif, minister kultury w Autonomii Palestyńskiej i były rzecznik Fatahu, twierdził, że prezydent USA, Donald Trump, jego doradcy Jared Kushner i Jason Greenblatt, oraz ambasador USA w Izraelu, David Friedman wykazali się całkowitą, a wręcz umyślną nieznajomością historycznych faktów dotyczących konfliktu izraelsko-palestyńskiego i entuzjastycznie przyjęli fałszywą narrację izraelską. Pisze, że niektórzy politycy z Waszyngtonu są „bardziej skrajni niż kolonialiści, którzy ukradli ziemię” i „bardziej syjonistyczni niż mordercy dzieci w naszym kraju”, dodając, że ich próba wmuszenia tej narracji Palestyńczykom czyni ich wspólnikami zbrodni popełnianych przeciwko nim przez Izrael. Zaproponował, by Palestyńczycy rozważyli sądowne ściganie prezydenta Trumpa za jego zachowanie wobec nich, które, jak powiedział, może być nielegalne.

Ten artykuł, który został opublikowany w oczekiwaniu na upublicznienie planu pokojowego administracji Trumpa, nazywanego ”Umową stulecia” i po ogłoszeniu, że w czerwcu w Bahrajnie odbędą się międzynarodowe warsztaty dla omówienia ekonomicznych aspektów tej umowy[1], odzwierciedla nieugiętą postawę AP przeciwko proponowanej umowie i przeciwko prezydentowi Trumpowi i jego doradcom[2]. Przez ostatnie miesiące wysocy rangą funkcjonariusze AP odrzucali od ręki tę umowę i przedstawiali wszystkie starania o promowanie jej jako próby zanegowania narodowych praw narodu palestyńskiego i zasad prawa międzynarodowego. Ponadto, artykuły w gazecie AP „Al-Hayat Al-Jadida” stwierdzały, że polityka zagraniczna Trumpa prowadzi USA i cały świat na skraj przepaści i że wszyscy muszą zjednoczyć się, by zapewnić jej porażkę[3].

Wysocy rangą funkcjonariusze AP szybko także odrzucili międzynarodowe warsztaty w Bahrajnie do omówienia ekonomicznych aspektów Umowy stulecia. Rzecznik palestyńskiego prezydenta, Nabil Abu Rudeineh powiedział, że warsztaty będą daremne i że „każdy ekonomiczny plan bez politycznego horyzontu nie doprowadzi do niczego”[4]. Premier AP, Mohammad Sztajjeh powiedział: „Nie poddamy się szantażowi i nie zamienimy naszych praw na walutę”[5].

Karykatura w gazecie-tubie AP „Al-Hayat Al-Jadida”: Trump wzywa do „myślenia poza szablonem”  „międzynarodowego prawa”. (Źródło: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, PA, 30 kwietnia 2019).

Poniżej znajdują się fragmenty artykułu Atefa Abu Saifa [NIE SPOLSZCZONE]:

„I often wonder whether the American politicians are really ignorant of history, or whether they just choose to be perceived that way. In fact, anyone who is following the statements by the politicians in Washington – and especially those concerned with the non-Western world – necessarily senses immediately that that they know nothing about those regions beyond the two sides of the Atlantic Ocean [i.e. the U.S. and Europe]. Furthermore, it is possible that they deliberately choose to be perceived in that way… When one examines Washington’s positions with respect to the Palestinian issue, this sense increases.

„There is infinite ignorance with respect to the course of history and to the facts – ignorance which leads to overturning all the facts so as to disseminate the big lies of Zionism and its allies among the extremist, fanatical American Christians. Sometimes it goes as far as total identification with those positions, and even [reaches the point] where some of those in Washington seem more extreme than the colonialists who steal the land, uproot the olive trees, falsify history, and attempt to outmaneuver reality. Some of these American politicians are more Zionist than the child killers in our country, and some overflow with incitement against us and, with their statements, justify all the crimes committed against us by the generals of the occupation state and its flocks of settlers.

„This also goes for [many officials], from [David] Friedman, ambassador of the settlers, to President Trump, who would qualify as a member of the [Israeli] Knesset on the lists of the Israeli right wing. Friedman takes every opportunity to attack the Palestinian people and to harm its history and its circumstances, with declarations that are inappropriate for either a diplomat or a respectable citizen. Apparently, Mr. Friedman is unfamiliar with the existence of international law, and does not realize that he is an ambassador in a country that is breaking it. This is why he considers his deeds to be without defect or violation of the law, but as strengthening Israel’s position as a state that is above the law.

„With respect to his president [Trump], who acts as if he is in charge of the entire world and arbitrarily grants deeds of ownership[6] – he inspires even more amazement. Trump – who foments crisis with every word he utters and wreaks havoc with every deed – not only publicly supported the Zionist version [of events] or the positions of the Israeli government, but even drew all his swords in order to harm the Palestinians’ national rights and status at the international institution [apparently a reference to the UN] and dared to build a settlement called an embassy within the occupied capital [Jerusalem]. An examination of Trump’s conduct reveals his absurdity in many issues [and] raises a question about [his conduct’s] legality, and it may be that we Palestinians… should prosecute him for it. A president whose objective is a [stage] performance can lead only to chaos in the world, and not to peacemaking…

„Overall, the situation is no better when looking at the declarations of the two most ignorant people in the American political echelons – [Jared] Kushner and [Jason] Greenblatt. The ignorance in the statements made by these two is unmeasurable, especially when they talk about history or take convoluted positions as they comment on the nonsense perpetrated by President Trump in the Middle East…

„It is not just that these politicians are unfamiliar with and ignorant of history, or that they are in fact unfamiliar with reality or with the details of the conflict… [but] that in addition to their ignorance, they deliberately ignore and distort history, rely on the lies of the Zionists and the legacy of the occupiers, ignore reality, and are based on the [imaginary] picture of reality that interests them – that depicts the Palestinian people as a terrorist aggressor seeking to harm the innocent lamb suckling on Western culture. We sense the American politicians’ determination to be accessories to the crimes committed against the Palestinian people, and to fiercely defend Israel’s deeds. This is in no way moral or justified – unless you are part of the crime.”[7]

[1] Al-Quds (Jerusalem), May 19, 2019.

[2] See MEMRI reports Special Dispatch No. 7474, Harsh Anti-U.S. Rhetoric By The Palestinian Authority And Its Daily Newspaper: Throughout History, U.S. Policy Has Been Based On Aggression, Mass Extermination; U.S. Embassy In Jerusalem Is 'Den Of Settlers’, May 16, 2018; Special Dispatch No. 7524, Articles In Palestinian Authority Press: Trump Is A Second Version Of Hitler; U.S. Is Hostile To Palestinians, June 14, 2018; and Special Dispatch No. 7739, Articles In Palestinian Press Condemn President Trump And His Administration: Neo-Hitlerism Aspiring To Global Hegemony – According To Instructions Of Rothschild Family, October 31, 2018.

[3] For example, Omar Hilmi Al-Ghoul’s May 8, 2019 column and Yahya Rabah’s May 11, 2019 and May 18, 2019 columns.

[4] Palsawa.com, May 20, 2019.

[5] Wafa.ps, May 20, 2019.

[6] The writer is referring to Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights.

[7] Al-Ayyam (Palestinian Authority), May 20, 2019.