Wśród eskalacji zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa na Zachodnim Brzegu, a zwłaszcza w Dżeninie, oraz wysiłków palestyńskich organizacji terrorystycznych, by powielić na Zachodnim Brzegu metody stosowane do walki z Izraelem w Strefie Gazy, [1] Autonomia Palestyńska (AP) prawie całkowicie straciła kontrolę nad bezpieczeństwem i administracją na północnym Zachodnim Brzegu. [2] Jednym z głównych tego przejawów w ciągu ostatnich dwóch lat jest pojawienie się ogólnoorganizacyjnych bojówek terrorystycznych, takich jak Brygada Dżenin i Jaskinia Lwów, które działają w Dżeninie i Nablusie wbrew władzy Autonomii Palestyńskiej. [3]
Ostatnia operacja wojskowa Izraela w obozie dla uchodźców w Dżeninie na początku lipca uwydatniła erozję władzy politycznej Autonomii Palestyńskiej. Społeczeństwo palestyńskie, zwłaszcza w Dżeninie, było wściekłe na AP za jej słabość wobec Izraela i bezradność jego aparatu bezpieczeństwa, który nie przyłączył się do organizacji terrorystycznych w ich walce z Izraelem, a nawet aresztował agentów Palestyńskiej Islamskiej Dżihadu (PIJ) w drodze do walki w obozie dla uchodźców w Dżeninie. Gniew na AP był taki, że kiedy delegacja urzędników Fatahu, na czele z wiceprzewodniczącym ruchu Mahmoudem Al-’Aloulem, przybyła na pogrzeb agentów zabitych w walkach z Izraelem w obozie, została przepędzona z okrzyki „Precz! Precz!” [4] Funkcjonariusz PIJ, Maher Akhras, powiedział, że wydalenie tych funkcjonariuszy Fatahu było przesłaniem od „wszystkich grup narodu palestyńskiego”, w tym aktywistów Fatahu, którzy sprzeciwiają się koordynacji bezpieczeństwa AP z Izraelem [5], a później także groził, że lud palestyński „wypędzi Autonomię Palestyńską z całego [Zachodniego] Brzegu, tak jak wyrzucił ją z Dżenin”. [6]
Autonomia Palestyńska uważa te wydarzenia za poważne zagrożenie dla swojej władzy na Zachodnim Brzegu i samego przetrwania, ponieważ przypominają one proces, który w 2007 roku doprowadził Hamas do wojskowego zamachu stanu przeciwko Fatahowi w Strefie Gazy. Rzeczywiście kilkakrotnie w ciągu ostatnich 18 miesięcy Fatah wyrażał zaniepokojenie, że Hamas, PIJ i inne organizacje zbrojne przeprowadzą przeciwko nim wojskowy zamach stanu na Zachodnim Brzegu. Na przykład 13 czerwca 2022 r., przed 15. rocznicą zamachu stanu w Gazie, Fatah wydał oświadczenie, w którym oskarżył członków Hamasu o „rozszerzanie wysiłków w celu przejęcia Zachodniego Brzegu”. Mniej więcej rok później, 7 maja 2023 r., rzecznik Fatahu w Gazie, Mundhir Al-Hajek, również oskarżył Hamas o planowanie zamachu stanu na Zachodnim Brzegu. [7] Ponadto, według działacza Fatahu, Mounira Al-Dżaghouba, podczas spotkania 26 czerwca w Ankarze między prezydentem AP Mahmoudem Abbasem a szefem Biura Politycznego Hamasu Isma’ilem Haniją, ten pierwszy przekazał, że AP nie pozwoli na „powielanie modelu z Gazy na Zachodnim Brzegu”. [8]
Przywódcy Hamasu i PIJ ze swojej strony zaprzeczają, by mieli takie zamiary. W wywiadzie udzielonym 9 lipca irańskiej agencji informacyjnej IRNA sekretarz generalny PIJ Ziad Al-Nachaleh zaprzeczył, by wysiłki jego organizacji zmierzające do ustanowienia milicji na całym Zachodnim Brzegu były próbą osłabienia Autonomii Palestyńskiej lub przygotowania wojskowego zamachu stanu przeciwko niej. [9] Szef Biura Politycznego Hamasu, Isma’il Hanija, podobnie podkreślił podczas swojego spotkania w Turcji z prezydentem Autonomii Palestyńskiej Abbasem, że Hamas nie jest zainteresowany atakiem lub obaleniem Autonomii Palestyńskiej [10] , ale jego oświadczenia najwyraźniej nie uspokoiły Autonomii Palestyńskiej.
W tej sytuacji AP znalazła się pomiędzy dwoma sprzecznymi imperatywami: powstrzymywaniem organizacji terrorystycznych, które osadzają się na Zachodnim Brzegu jej kosztem oraz odzyskaniem popularności i utrzymaniem zaplecza społecznego. Ten dylemat jest szczególnie trudny, biorąc pod uwagę, że kontrola AP jest kwestionowana nawet od wewnątrz. Niektórzy z uzbrojonych milicjantów sprzeciwiających się jego władzy są członkami jego własnego skrzydła wojskowego, Brygad Męczenników Al-Aksa. Ponadto członkowie aparatów bezpieczeństwa Autonomii Palestyńskiej byli ostatnio zaangażowani w operacje terrorystyczne. [11]
Dodatkowym czynnikiem komplikującym dla Autonomii Palestyńskiej jest to, że wzmocnienie jej kontroli nad Zachodnim Brzegiem jest nie tylko potrzebą wewnętrzną, ale także żądaniem płynącym z zewnątrz, a mianowicie ze strony USA, Egiptu i Jordanii, które w ostatnich miesiącach wspólnie występowały jako mediatorzy między AP i Izraelem. Dyrektor CIA William Burns podobno podkreślił Abbasowi na spotkaniu 30 stycznia, że AP musi przywrócić kontrolę nad Zachodnim Brzegiem i powstrzymać różne działające tam bojówki terrorystyczne. [12] Podobne komunikaty przekazano ‘Abbasowi dzień później, podczas jego spotkania z szefem egipskiej Dyrekcji Wywiadu Generalnego, Abbasem Kamelem i jego jordańskim odpowiednikiem, Ahmadem Husnim. Przekazali oni, że w zamian za zaprzestanie działań militarnych Izraela na terenach AP, tamtejsze aparaty bezpieczeństwa mają przejąć kontrolę nad sytuacją. [13] Tego dnia Abbas spotkał się także z sekretarzem stanu USA Antonym Blinkenem, który naciskał na niego, by przyjął plan odzyskania kontroli bezpieczeństwa nad Zachodnim Brzegiem, opracowany przez amerykańskiego koordynatora ds. bezpieczeństwa, generała broni Michaela Fenzela. [14] Po spotkaniu poinformowano, że AP zasadniczo zgodziła się na ten plan. [15] Kanał koordynacji bezpieczeństwa między AP a Izraelem, utworzony przez USA, Egipt i Jordanię, zaowocował szczytami w Akabie (luty 2023 r.) i Szarm al-Szejk (marzec 2023 r.). Potem jednak kontakty utknęły w impasie i jak dotąd nie zaplanowano kolejnych szczytów. [16] Izrael odmawia zaprzestania działalności antyterrorystycznej na Zachodnim Brzegu, mającej na celu zneutralizowanie zagrożeń, które nie zostały wyeliminowane przez AP, podczas gdy AP traktuje tę działalność jako naruszenie wcześniejszych porozumień z nią i nie chce być postrzegana przez Palestyńczyków opinii publicznej jako współpracująca z Izraelem.
AP najwyraźniej radzi sobie z tym problemem na kilka sposobów jednocześnie. Po pierwsze, zwiększa widoczność swoich przywódców na Zachodnim Brzegu, zwłaszcza w jego północnej części, wzmacniając tam swoje aparaty bezpieczeństwa i podkreślając w mediach troskę o obywateli. Ponadto, w ostatnich dniach prezydent Abbas podjął dramatyczny i zaskakujący krok, wydając prezydencki dekret „wysyłający na emeryturę” większość gubernatorów dystryktów na Zachodnim Brzegu, najwyraźniej z powodu niepowodzenia w powstrzymaniu organizacji terrorystycznej w swoich dystryktach. [17] Dodatkowo przeprowadza szeroko zakrojoną falę aresztowań uzbrojonych agentów z różnych frakcji, a podobno oferuje im nawet pracę w aparatach AP w zamian za złożenie broni. W tym samym czasie, nadal wyraża publiczne poparcie dla lokalnych uzbrojonych bojowników i ich walki z Izraelem, aby utrzymać swoją popularność wśród miejscowych i legitymację swoich rządów oraz uniknąć postrzegania jako kolaborant Izraela.

[Dalszy tekst – przegląd środków podjętych przez Autonomię Palestyńską w celu wzmocnienia kontroli nad Zachodnim Brzegiem i zapobieżenia zamachowi stanu – nie jest spolszczony]
Strengthening PA Presence, Demonstrating Control Of Jenin And Other West Bank Cities, Replacing District Governors
Several days after the conclusion of the Israeli operation in the Jenin refugee camp and the expulsion of the Fatah delegation from the camp, the Saudi news site Elaph reported that President Mahmoud 'Abbas had ordered the PA security forces to do everything necessary to regain control of the camp, establish law and order there and rout out any armed operatives not under the authority of the PA.[18] On July 7, a significant reinforcement of the PA’s security forces was reported in the districts of Jenin, Nablus, and Tulkarm, and Presidential Guard forces entered the Jenin refugee camp.[19] At the same time, masked fighters from Fatah’s Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades held shows of force in the various West Bank districts, carrying Fatah flags and symbols. However, anti-PA media outlets claimed that these men were not really fighters of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, but rather members of the PA security forces wearing uniforms of the Al-Aqsa Brigades.[20]

Alongside these shows of force, a Fatah delegation led by the movement’s deputy chairman, Mahmoud Al-’Aloul, made another visit to Jenin at the behest of President 'Abbas.[21] The new visit was apparently intended to fix the impression left by the expulsion of the previous Fatah delegation from the funeral of the men killed in the fighting with Israel, and to show that the residents of the refugee camp actually support Fatah.[22]
In addition, the PA worked to repair the damage in the Jenin refugee camp as a result of the Israeli military operation, and took care to highlight this in the media. For example, it established a government committee for the rehabilitation of Jenin and announced that it had allocated NIS 7 million for this purpose. Also, Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh stressed that technical teams were working to reconnect the refugee camp to the water, power and communication infrastructures.[23] Many reports and articles in the PA’s official media emphasized its commitment to the rebuilding of Jenin.[24] The PA ministers of the interior, health and local government visited Jenin and promised to support it and its reconstruction.[25] In a visit to the Jenin district police station, Interior Minister Ziad Hab Al-Reeh declared that the PA would not tolerate chaos of any kind and would defend its institutions at any cost, and promised a NIS 400 pay raise for members of the PA security forces.[26]
The PA’s efforts to restore its standing in the West Bank and especially in Jenin culminated in a high-profile visit by President 'Abbas to the Jenin refugee camp, held about a week after the conclusion of the Israeli operation there, during which he emphasized his support for the refugee camp but also conveyed threatening messages – to Israel but no less so to the rival Palestinian factions – that in Jenin there is only one authority and one law, and that anyone trying to harm the people’s unity would be punished. He said: „[We are here] in the resolute and heroic Jenin [refugee] camp, which is an icon and a symbol of struggle, steadfastness and defiance… We have come to observe the reconstruction of the camp and of the city [and to make sure] that they are being restored to their former state and even improved. We have no choice but to take this action, in defiance of anyone who wishes to defeat and attack us. We will not accept attacks by anyone and will continue to stand fast and endure our suffering patiently. We will remain in our land and not leave it, until Allah grants [us] the land and what is on it, and until [the Israelis] leave our land, which they have defiled for decades… The PA is here to show you its support for the Jenin refugee camp and for the residents of the city of Jenin, and to demonstrate that it represents one rule, one state, one law and one [source of] security and stability. I say to everyone that this land will continue to be one, with a single [source of] security… Any hand that threatens the unity, security and stability of the people will be cut off…”[27]
The PA press published many articles praising the president’s visit, but there were also reports about demonstrations of anti-PA sentiment during it. For example, according to the Quds Press website, Jenin District Governor Akram Al-Rajoub was forced to cancel a meeting between refugee camp residents and President 'Abbas, because most of the families of the fighters killed during the Israeli military operation refused to attend this meeting.[28] The Lebanese daily Al-Akhbar reported that the reception for 'Abbas was poorly attended by local residents, and that his speech was interrupted with calls of praise for the Jenin Brigade. There was also criticism of the extensive deployment of PA security forces ahead of the visit, and locals wondered where all these forces had been during Israel’s operation in the refugee camp.[29]

The PA is acting to make its presence felt not only in Jenin but throughout the West Bank. For example, Interior Minister Ziad Hab Al-Reeh recently toured the Jenin, Tubas, Qalqilya, Tulkarm and Salfit districts. In meetings he held with local governors, commanders of the PA apparatuses and Fatah branch heads, he stressed that the PA will support them as they perform their duty and maintain order, and that President 'Abbas has ordered to prevent any attempt to undermine the state apparatuses.[30]
The PA’s efforts to display its control on the ground have occasionally lead to exchanges of fire with various terror militias, as happened on August 2 in Nablus’ Balata refugee camp after the PA security forces removed barricades set up by the terror organizations.[31]
Another dramatic and surprising measure taken by the PA to strengthen its control over the West Bank is a presidential decree issued by 'Abbas on August 10, in which he „sent to retirement” most of the PA governors in the West Bank, specifically the governors of Jenin, Nablus, Qalqilya, Tulkarm, Bethlehem, Tubas, and Jericho and the Jordan Valley.[32] Reports indicate that the reason for their dismissal is dissatisfaction with their performance on the part of President 'Abbas, PLO Secretary-General Hussien Al-Sheikh and Palestinian intelligence chief Majed Faraj, who were disappointed with the governors’ failure to curb the terror organizations and militias in their districts.[33] Some reports claim that 'Abbas also took this measure on the advice of Jordan, which warned about a dangerous weakening of the PA vis-à-vis the armed militias in the West Bank.[34] Other reports claimed that the decision had been made following meetings held by Hussein Al-Sheikh with the head of Israel’s internal security services and with American and Arab officials as part of the PA’s security understandings with Israel, the U.S., Egypt and Jordan.[35]
- Wave Of Arrests Of Terror Organization Members In Jenin And Other PA Districts
In addition, the PA has been working to restrain and weaken the terrorist organizations and gunmen in Jenin and other West Bank districts through an extensive wave of arrests. It appears that many dozens have been arrested. A PIJ official in Jenin told the Qatari daily Al-Arabi Al-Jadid on August 2 that more than 40 PIJ activists had been arrested in that city alone, and added that he did not know the total number of arrests made throughout the West Bank. On July 30 the daily reported that at least 63 Hamas operatives had been arrested in the West Bank.[36]
The arrests sparked fury among the armed factions. Hamas and PIJ officials viciously attacked the PA, calling on it to stop these „political arrests” and free the people already detained. After the PA refused, PIJ Secretary-General Ziad Al-Nakhaleh boycotted the July 30 meeting between the Palestinian faction heads in Egypt, which had been initiated by President 'Abbas.[37]
The Jenin Brigade likewise decried the arrest of its members and on July 17 issued a statement accusing the PA of violating an agreement made with it ahead of 'Abbas’ visit to Jenin. The brigade claimed that it had facilitated the visit, allowed the PA security forces to secure 'Abbas’ route through the city, and promised not to disrupt the visit, and in return the PA had promised to free PIJ detainees – a promise it later broke. The Jenin Brigade therefore called on the people of the West Bank to hold „marches of rage” against the PA.[38] Mass marches were indeed held that day in various parts of the West Bank, attended by gunmen who shouted slogans against the PA and in praise of jihad, such as „Allah is our goal, the Prophet is our model, jihad is our way, the Quran is our constitution and death for the sake of Allah is our honor.”[39] The fury against the PA over the arrests even led to exchanges of fire between militiamen and the PA security forces, for instance in the Jenin refugee camp on August 2.[40]

Even some operatives who identify as members of Fatah’s military wing, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, issued furious statement calling on the PA security forces to stop the arrests and to join the fighting against Israel. A Telegram channel called „The Tulkarm Brigade – Rapid Response,” which bears the logo of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, called on the PA security forces to „mend their ways, stop persecuting the military wings of all the factions,” and return to the path of past Fatah leaders, like Marwan Al-Barghouti, who had led the armed struggle against Israel. The statement added: „Be like [those leaders], and if you cannot, [at least] don’t participate in the campaigns of injustice… We in the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade renounce you and your actions [i.e., the arrests and the military coordination with Israel]…”[41]
The PA, for its part, denied that the arrests were „political” and claimed that it was only trying to maintain law and order. In a statement it issued, the PA Interior Ministry said that the security forces were carrying out the directive of President 'Abbas „to enforce the rule of law and provide the people with security everywhere,” and that these forces would „cut off the hand of anyone trying to undermine security, stability and interests against the will of our country and our people.”[42] The spokesman of the PA security forces, Gen. Talal Dweikat, told the PA news agency on July 18 that all the people arrested were suspected of crimes like „money laundering, terror financing, [illegal] possession of arms and ammunition, [and other violations of] the penal code and the cybercrime laws.”[43]
In addition to the arrests, the PA is also trying to weaken the terror organizations from within. According to some reports, it is pressing the terrorists in Jenin, especially members of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, to leave the Jenin Brigade and join its security forces instead, sometimes approaching them through their associates and family. It should be mentioned that the PA used the same method with members of the Lions’ Den in Nablus.[44]
- PA, Fatah Continue To Praise The Jenin Armed Terrorists
The contradictory nature of the PA’s position towards the terror activity against Israel is evident not only in its actions but in its rhetoric. Aware of the decline in its status and the anger caused by its extensive wave of arrests against the terrorists, it is trying to quell this anger and gain popular support by openly praising these terrorists and their actions. The PA’s official discourse – reflected in the press, in statements by its officials and online – continues to laud the armed struggle and even incites violence against Israel, while claiming that Fatah activists are actually leading the fighting against Israel. This is despite the fact that armed struggle is ostensibly not part of the PA’s and Fatah’s official program, and even though the members of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades who are involved in the armed struggle are defying the PA’s authority. For example, a July 9, 2023 article in the PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida stressed that the 12 operatives killed in the fighting in Jenin included six Fatah members, namely members of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades.[45] However, the PA did not confine this praise to Fatah members, but also glorified the PIJ operatives killed in Jenin. For example, the PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida published a report about one of them, Majdi 'Ar’arawi, an 18-year-old member of the PIJ military wing. Although it did not note he was an armed fighter, it stated that he had earned „two shahadas” with distinction: his matriculation certificate and his martyrdom. [46]

The PA Education Ministry posted his matriculation certificate under the title „This is his shahada, which he earned with distinction”[47]
* H. Varulkar is Director of Research at MEMRI; S. Schneidmann is a research fellow at MEMRI.
[1] See Inquiry & Analysis Series No. 1707 – Palestinian Terror Organizations Are Duplicating Gaza Strip Fighting Methods In West Bank – August 8, 2023.
[2] Indications of this have been evident for several years; see MEMRI Inquiry & Analysis No. 1266 – Recent Violence In Nablus Reveals Rifts In Fatah, Triggers Calls For Tackling Fundamental Problems In Palestinian Society – August 31, 2016.
[3] See MEMRI Inquiry & Analysis No. 1661 – Palestinian Authority Responds To Violence Wave In Two Conflicting Ways: Tries To Restrain West Bank Gunmen, While Also Encouraging Them And Inciting Terror – October 21, 2022.
[4] See MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 10701, Palestinian Authority: Al-Jazeera Incites Against Us In Service Of Qatar, Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood; We Will Consider Taking Legal Measures Against It; Al-Jazeera In Response: Our Coverage Is Balanced And Professional, July 11, 2023.
[5] Alresalah.ps, July 5, 2023.
[6] Paltoday.ps, July 10, 2023.
[7] Wafa.ps, June 13, 2022, May 7, 2023. Further indications of Fatah’s concern were evident in a video about the Hamas 2007 coup aired on Fatah’s Awda television channel. See MEMRI TV Clip No. 10375, Palestinian Authority TV Airs Video Smearing Hamas, Accusing It of Mismanaging the Gaza Strip, Corruption, Brutality, Abandoning the Resistance, and Collaborating with Israel, June 16, 2023.
[8] Twitter.com/MonirAljaghoub, July 26, 2023.
[9] Ar.irna.ir, July 9, 2023; see also MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 10721 – Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) Secretary-General Ziad Al-Nakhaleh In Interviews With Iranian Media: We Manufacture Weapons Thanks To Aid Provided By Iran And Seek To Arm All West Bank Cities; No Jew Anywhere In The World Lives In Greater Danger Than The Jews In Palestine – July 24, 2023.
[10] Aljazeera.net, July 26, 2023.
[11] See MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 10207 – Last Will Of Terrorist Who Belonged To Palestinian Authority Security Forces: Martyrdom Is The Highest Ideal; Continue The Jihad And Armed Struggle Against The Enemy – September 15, 2022.
[12] Raialyoum.com, January 30, 2023.
[13] Al-Sharq Al-Awsat (London), January 31, 2023, February 1, 2023; alaraby.co.uk, February 2, 2023.
[14] Axios.com, February 1, 2023.
[15] Arabicpost.net, February 2, 2023. In the following months the PA reportedly attempted to implement this plan, or some version of it (Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, London, February 26, 2023; Al-Akhbar, Lebanon, February 25, March 17, 23, 2023). However, PLO Secretary-General Hussein Al-Sheikh denied that the PA had even discussed implementing a security plan drafted by external elements – American, Israeli or other. Alaraby.co.uk, February 27, 2023.
[16] Al-Sharq Al-Awsat (London), May 23, 2023.
[17] Wafa.ps, August 10, 2023. The governors themselves learned of the decision from the media (qudsn.co, August 10, 2023).
[18] Elaph.com, July 8, 2023.
[19] Sadanews.ps, shehabnews.ps, July 7, 2023.
[20] Shehabnews.ps, July 8, 2023; 3aks-t.info, July 10, 2023. According to Hamas’ Shehab website, these shows of force were part of the PA’s plan to regain control of Jenin, and were organized by Jenin district governor Akram Al-Rajoub (Shehabnews.ps, July 10, 2023).
[21] Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (PA), July 8, 2023.
[22] Paltimesmeps.ps, July 9, 2023.
[23] Wafa.ps, July 10, 2023.
[24] For example, a July 10 article in the PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida stressed that the PA authorities, under President 'Abbas, had established a government committee for the rebuilding of Jenin immediately after the conclusion of the Israeli operation, unlike Hamas, which continues to delay and impede the rebuilding of the Gaza Strip.
[25] Wafa.ps, July 9, 2023.
[26] Sadanews.ps, July 8, 2023.
[27] Wafa.ps, July 12, 2023.
[28] Qudspress.com, July 12, 2023.
[29] Al-Akhbar (Lebanon), July 13, 2023.
[30] Wafa.ps, July 18, 2023.
[31] Felesteen.news, August 2, 2023.
[32] Wafa.ps, August 10, 2023. Among those ordered to retire were also PA governors in the Gaza Strip, namely the governors of the Gaza, Northern Gaza, Khan Younis and Rafah districts.
[33] Shahed.cc, alresalah.ps, August 10, 2023; Al-Sharq Al-Awsat (London), August 11, 2023,; arabicpost.net, August 12, 2023.
[34] Raialyoum.com, paltimeps.ps, August 11, 2023.
[35] Shahed.cc, August 10, 2023; Al-Akhbar (Lebanon), August 12, 2023. According to yet other reports, the governors’ dismissal is the first step in a major reshuffle in the PA, as part of which many long-standing position holders whose performance has been poor or sparked criticism against the PA will be replaced, and „new blood” will be brought in to revitalize the PA (asharq.com, independentarabia.com, August 11, 2023).
[36] Alaraby.co.uk, July 30, 2023, August 2, 2023.
[37] About a week before the meeting, Al-Nakhaleh threatened to boycott it unless the detainees were released, and one day before the meeting, after the PA refused to free the detainees, his deputy Muhammad Al-Hindi repeated the threat (Jehad.ps, July 23, 2023; paltoday.ps, July 29, 2023). Calls to free the „political detainees” were also heard from other Palestinian factions, such as Hamas. Movement official Hussam Badran, along with PIJ official Sa’eed Nakhaleh, demanded to stop the arrests in order to prepare the ground for the meeting (palinfo.com, July 12, 2023). Several days later Badran and PIJ official Khader Habib repeated this demand,(alresalah.ps, July 17, 2023), and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) conveyed a similar message (safa.ps, July 26, 2023). The PFLP – Central Command and the Al-Sa’iqa faction stated that they would boycott the meeting because of the arrests (qudsn.co, July 26, 2023). At the meeting itself, Hamas Political Bureau Head Isma’il Haniya urged the PA to stop the arrests (hamas.ps, July 30, 2023). The PA, for its part, ignored all these demands.
[38] T.me/sarayajneen, July 17, 2023; npa.ps, July 18, 2023. Jenin governor Akram Al-Rajoub denied the existence of any agreement with the Jenin Brigade, and emphasized that President 'Abbas „can go wherever he wishes whenever he wishes, and does not need to mediate or negotiate with anyone or gain anyone’s permission (sadanews.pa, July 17, 2023).
[39] Twitter.com/SafaPS, July 17, 2023.
[40] Alaraby.co.uk, August 2, 2023.
[41] T.me/alredalsrey, July 17, 2023. Other statements issued by „the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades Rapid Response Groups Tulkarm Brigade” came out against the claim that the members of the group were criminals, stressed that they are determined to keep fighting despite the arrests, and harshly slammed the PA. T.me/alredalsrey, July 17, 18, 2023.
[42] Al-Ayyam (PA), wafa.ps, July 18, 2023.
[43] Wafa.ps, July 13, 18, 2023.a
[44] Shehabnews.com, July 10, 2023; Al-Akhbar (Lebanon), July 27, 2023.
[45] Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (PA), July 9, 2023.
[46] Shahada in Arabic means both „martyrdom” and „certificate.”
[47] Facebook.com/Palestinian.MOE/posts/57865340443963, July 20, 2023.