W ostatnich tygodniach irański obóz ideologiczny nasilił swoje groźby wobec przywódcy obozu pragmatycznego a zarazem przewodniczącego Rady Celowości, Haszemiego Rafsandżaniego. Groźby obejmują apele o postawienie go przed sądem (jego krewni są często aresztowani), i nazywa się go zboczeńcem, zdrajcą, pomocnikiem i niosącym dziś pochodnię tego, co obóz ideologiczny określa jako „fitna 2009” – co znaczy obywatelskich protestów jakie wybuchły po wyborach prezydenckich. Należy przypomnieć, że przywódcy tego ruchu, były premier, Mir-Hossein Mousavi oraz jego żona jak również były przewodniczący Madżlisu [parlamentu], Mehdi Karroubi, przebywają w areszcie domowym od 2011 roku.

Kiedy dyskutuje się o Rafsandżanim wypowiedzi członków obozu ideologicznego stają się jadowite a nawet gwałtowne [1] . Ten ostry ton pokazuje eskalację niechęci reżimu do człowieka uważanego za przywódcę [ruchu] opowiadającego się za otwarciem na Stany Zjednoczone i Zachód, który doprowadził do JCPOA – w przeciwieństwie do stanowiska Najwyższego Przywódcy, Alego Chameneiego, który uważa USA za wroga, z którym Iran nie może się pogodzić. Należy wspomnieć, że obóz ideologiczny uważa JCPOA za narzędzie wykorzystywane przez obóz pragmatyczny i przez USA mające odsunąć ich od władzy.

Rafsandżani jest postrzegany przez obóz ideologiczny jako egzystencjalne zagrożenie dla reżimu i jako [siła] nieustannie podważająca same podstawy ich kontroli nad instytucjami państwowymi [2] . Obecna walka między obozem ideologicznym i pragmatycznym, a szczególnie personalne starcia między przywódcami tych obozów, trwają od co najmniej trzech lat i znajduje się teraz w punkcie kulminacyjnym. (Patrz: MEMRI Inquiry & Analysis No. 1137, The Power Struggle Between Khamenei And His Camp And Rafsanjani And His Camp – Part XIV , 21stycznia 2015, oraz MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 5794,, The Rafsanjani-Khamenei Struggle Escalates Into Open, Direct Confrontation , 13 lipca 2014).

Ostatnio córka Rafsandżaniego, Faezeh Hashemi została sfotografowana, kiedy spotkała się z aktywistką bahajów, z którą wcześniej dzieliła celę w więzieniu. Spotkanie tych dwóch kobiet wywołało natychmiastowe kroki prawne obozu ideologicznego przeciwko samemu Rafsandżaniemu. Reżim uważa bahaizm za zboczony i bezprawny kult, a jego wyznawcy są prześladowani oraz pozbawieni praw obywatelskich oraz religijnych. Uważa się również bahajów za kolaborantów Izraela i USA. Aczkolwiek Rafsandżani odciął się od działań swojej córki, obóz ideologicznych uznał je jako znaczące potwierdzenie jego zdrady. [3]

W związku z ogromną presją jaka jest na niego wywierana oraz kierowanymi pod jego adresem groźbami [4] wydaje się, że Rafsandżani był zmuszony do wycofania swojej kandydatury na stanowisko przewodniczącego Zgromadzenia Ekspertów, mimo, że wygrał powszechne wybory do zgromadzenia w lutym 2016 roku. [5].

Nawet kiedy jego rywal, Ajatollah Ahmad Jannati, został wybrany na przewodniczącego zgromadzenia, ataki na Rafsandżaniego nie ustały. Agencja informacyjna „Tasnim”, powiązana z IRGC, opublikowała artykuł przewidujący śmierć Rafsandżaniego, prezentując go jako marionetkę Brytyjczyków i BBC. W artykule dodano, że ponieważ nie został wybrany do zgromadzenia, nie może już służyć Brytyjczykom, nie potrzebują go już, więc martwy będzie dla nich bardziej pożyteczny. [6]

W świetle tego rozwoju sytuacji, w ocenie MEMRI reżim irański nadal nie zaprzestanie prześladowań krewnych i współpracowników Rafsandżaniego [7] jak również, że jest prawdopodobieństwo, że mogą chcieć uderzyć w Rafsandżeniego bezpośrednio.

Poniżej prezentujemy komentarze w tonie gróźb oraz bezpośrednie groźby jakie pojawiły się przeciwko Rafsandżaniemu w ostatnich dniach:

[Ciag dalszy niniejszego opracowania nie jest spolszczony]

IRGC Commander Threatens Rafsanjani

On May 24, 2016, at a cadet graduation ceremony attended by Supreme Leader Khamenei, Mohammad Ali Jafari, commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), said: „Thanks to the Islamic Revolution and the awakening of mankind, monotheistic beliefs have spread in the region and in the world in this new age, and the garbage dump of Western culture has been set on the path of assured destruction. Nevertheless, some in the country who think a certain way are stealing glances at foreigners and speaking [highly] of the rotting values of Western cultures, in comparison with Iran’s noble religious values and culture.

„These [people] should know that the religious public in Iran, which is revolutionary and which nurtures martyrs, will not tolerate these thoughts, or those who have them, in Iran’s politics and culture. They must know that if they persist in their deviant path, they will meet with the same catastrophe as did those who preceded them in deviating from the straight path of the leader [Khamenei] and the Imam [Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini] and who remain infamous in the memory of the Iranian nation.

„The IRGC and the Basij accompany the spirit of revolution and values of the great Iranian nation, and will never allow some of the infiltration camps that are influenced by the West, that can be found within the apparatuses of the regime, to carry out deceptions or to force their foolish view on, and tarnish, the blessed life of the Islamic Revolution.” [8]

Kayhan Editorial: „The Baha’i And The New Infiltrators”

The May 18, 2016 editorial of the daily Kayhan, titled „The Baha’i and the New Infiltrators,” stated: „Ms. What’s-her-name [Rafsanjani’s daughter] travels with ease to America and England. While a BBC Persia reporter encounters visa problems with America, this lady does not. A few days before the election, she travels to America. Why? Do not assume the worst. Maybe she simply craved a McDonald’s sandwich.

„In July 2012, she pops over to England, saying that she is going to the Olympic Games, but her lawyer says that she went to visit her son, who was studying there… Something happens and her brother also arrives in London, remaining for several years on the pretext of visiting a certain university. Later, there come reports that he was involved in stepping up the sanctions [on Iran] as fuel for the green fitna…

„After her recent visit with one of the leaders of the Zionist-Baha’i channel, Mr. Hashemi Rafsanjani expressed – in three lines, no more – that Faezeh had made a mistake and must rectify it. She said that she had made no mistake, and that she had no regrets… [and Rafsanjani] distanced himself from the Baha’i cult… [that is] crooked and colonialist and that joined the leaders of the fitna in a collective project…

„Is it now time for you [addressing Rafsanjani] to renounce Baha’ism… or is it time for you to renounce those who are an organic part of the Baha’i [i.e. your daughter]… They [the Baha’i] denied [the existence of] the Mahdi [the Hidden Imam]… and, in London, they operated a computer room for the Green Movement…

„What should be done about a camp lacking in all cultural, political, and economic honor, which engages in forming [spy] rings and [political] parties, and in amassing capital?…

„We are currently in all-out cultural, political, and economic war with the historic enemies of the Iranian nation… The enemy came to the arena without fear… We must understand what operation is being planned by the enemy, and come to the arena without delay and without pleasantries.” [9]

Basij Commander Attacks Rafsanjani

On May 16, 2016, Basij commander Mohammad Reza Naqdi said: „Infiltration elements [meaning Rafsanjani] are amassing a fortune and creating [socioeconomic] classes, increasing poverty, and then pop up to express concern for the poor. These people are behind the unnecessary large-scale imports, and when [Iranian] companies go bankrupt and when national production grinds to a halt, they say we must facilitate relations with the foreigners and compromise with America so that our problems will be solved.

„They meet with Sunnis [referring to Rafsanjani’s past good relations with the Saudis] and create many expectations for them, and then approach a camp that has does not believe in Sunni-Shi’ite unity and collaborate with it against the regime.

„This group of infiltration elements sits down with the Baha’i at the expense of Islam, while at the same time asking, 'What has the [Islamic] Revolution done for Islam?’…

„This group calls Basij members extremists because they zealously defended Islam or because they shouted their criticism. Yet it recognizes America as good despite its evil, interprets its crimes favorably, and says that we must compromise and make friends with [the Americans].

„This group of infiltration elements is attempting to blur the difference between truth and lies, and to present someone else as the main enemy. For example, it has a plan to paint Saudi Arabia as the main enemy, while compromising with America and maintaining relations with it.” [10]

Judiciary Spokesman And Prosecutor General Criticizes Rafsanjani’s Daughter

On May 18, 2016, Judiciary spokesman and prosecutor-general Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Eje’i said: „Faezeh Hashemi’s meeting with a member of the Baha’i cult is an ugly and condemnable act. We will deal with her in accordance with the law. As per my understanding, many people, including senior clerics and other known figures, have condemned this act. Even uglier was that her father spoke about this but that she did not apologize.” [11]

Assembly Of Experts Member And Tehran Friday Prayer Leader Criticizes Rafsanjani’s Daughter

In an interview with the Tasnim news agency, which is close to the IRGC, Assembly of Experts member and Tehran Friday prayer leader Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami said: „In fact, Baha’i is not a religion, but an espionage party. The world of arrogance has completely supported this espionage cult, and still does. A fatwa by all the ayatollahs regarding Baha’ism is clear and unequivocal – [according to this fatwa,] it is a deviant cult that is outside the Shi’a and must be treated as foreign.

„Recently, a certain political figure met one of the leaders of this cult. We must condemn any behavior that will cause a break in the barrier against relations with this devious cult. In the Islamic regime [of Iran], no one must bring about the revival of this hated cult, neither on the pretext of human rights or on any other [pretext]. Certainly, meeting with a member of this cult is complete deviation and cannot be acknowledged as just a mistake.” [12]


[1] See, for example, statements by Combatant Clergy Assembly member Jafar Shajuni, who said that Rafsanjani and his relatives are „anti-revolutionary and burned.” Entekhab (Iran), May 18, 2016.

[2] See, for example, statements by Assembly of Experts member Ayatollah Heshmatzadeh Harisi, who, defending Rafsanjani prior to the assembly’s election of a new chairman, said he was not a traitor and that he did not seek to harm the Islamic Revolution. He added that even if Rafsanjani were to be elected Assembly of Experts head, he would not have the authority to enact constitutional changes regarding the status of the supreme leader. Entekhab (Iran), May 18, 2016.

[3] Many regime clerics have issued fatwas against the Baha’i.

[4] Combatant Clergy Assembly member Jafar Shajuni said on May 18, 2016: „The chairmanship of the Assembly of Experts should not fall into the hands of anti-revolutionists. Rest assured that it will not fall into the hands of Rafsanjani.” Entekhab (Iran), May 18, 2016.

[5] The Assembly of Experts chairmanship was ultimately given to Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati, who also heads the Guardian Council, even though he received the fewest votes in the Tehran constituency in the general elections for the assembly.

[6] Tasnim (Iran), June 6, 2016.

[7] See Rafsanjani’s harsh response following negative reports by Iran’s broadcast authority on him and the Islamic Azad University, which he owns. ILNA (Iran), May 19, 2016.

[8] ILNA (Iran), May 24 2016.

[9] Kayhan (Iran), May 18, 2016.

[10] Mehr (Iran), May 16, 2016.

[11] ISNA (Iran), May 18, 2016.

[12] Tasnim (Iran), May 18, 2016.

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