W przemówieniu wygłoszonym 31 stycznia 2025 r. z okazji święta Fadżr („Świt”), czyli 10 dni upamiętniających okres od powrotu ajatollaha Ruhollaha Chomeiniego, założyciela irańskiego reżimu islamskiej rewolucji, do Iranu z wygnania 1 lutego 1979 r. do ogłoszenia rewolucji 11 lutego, Hamid Reza Hadżi Babaee, zastępca przewodniczącego Madżlisu i szef Kwatery Głównej na 10 Dni Fadżr, powiedział, że oprócz ustanowienia swoich rządów Iranowi udało się również osiągnąć szereg celów rewolucji. Wymieniając osiągnięte cele, takie jak ustanowienie globalnego ruchu oporu, osadzenie „jedynego władcy” – tj. USA – w miejscu i spowodowanie schizmy w globalnej potędze, Hadżi Babaee podkreślił, że Islamska Republika Iranu, lider osi oporu, ucieleśnia czysty islam, nie zaś kraje, które nie ośmielają się bronić Gazy i islamu, lub Arabia Saudyjska, która, jak powiedział, „szerzy wahhabizm” [1].
Wrogość wobec USA, głęboko zakorzeniona w islamskiej ideologii rewolucyjnej i próba Iranu, aby przedstawiać się jako potęga równa USA – powtarzający się motyw w tubach propagandowych irańskiego reżimu – były wyraźnie widoczne w wypowiedziach Hadżi Babaee. Pomimo jego twierdzenia, że Iran nigdy nie chciał wojny i wrogości z USA – mimo że ideologia reżimu uświęcała wrogość wobec Wielkiego Szatana, tj. USA, od samego początku – obwinił USA za to, że Iran uważa je za wroga. Wrogość wobec USA, którą wyraził w swoim przemówieniu, osiągnęła punkt kulminacyjny w przypisaniu chronicznego, znacznego zanieczyszczenia powietrza w Teheranie amerykańskiemu spiskowi, stwierdzając, że „bez [irańskiej] potęgi nawet powietrze w naszych miastach byłoby zanieczyszczone”.
Hadżi Babaee podkreślił w przemówieniu, że „ktokolwiek poprosi o rozmowę z nami, będziemy rozmawiać z nim z pozycji siły” i stwierdził, że Iran musi osiągnąć „globalną potęgę”. Usprawiedliwiając pragnienie potęgi – nawiązując do zdolności rakietowych i nuklearnych oraz regionalnego wpływu osi oporu – jako warunku lepszego życia w Iranie, powiedział: „Dzisiaj nie można cieszyć się dobrym życiem w żadnym kraju, chyba że kraj ten odgrywa rolę w globalnej równowadze sił”. Miał na myśli status, jaki Iran osiągnie w wyniku uzyskania ofensywnej broni, takiej jak rakiety o zasięgu tysięcy kilometrów. Powiedział również, że Iran „zbliżył się do szczytu, a USA to zauważają” – wyraźna wskazówka, że Iran zbliża się do groźnej zdolności nuklearnej – w przeciwieństwie do oficjalnych zaprzeczeń reżimu o jakiejkolwiek chęci posiadania broni jądrowej.

Przed Dniem Rewolucji Iranu, który w tym roku przypadał 10 lutego, Hadżi Babaee wezwał społeczeństwo do wyjścia na ulice i marszu, aby wyrazić poparcie dla reżimu, mówiąc, że „naród irański kocha rewolucyjny reżim”. Powiedział, że dzieje się tak pomimo poważnych problemów gospodarczych kraju – które nazwał „rakowatym guzem”, używając określenia reżimu na Izrael – a problemy te, powiedział, zostaną rozwiązane dzięki wyjaśnieniom i informacjom od urzędników reżimu.
[Ciąg dalszy tekstu – całe przemówienie Babaee – nie jest spolszczony]
„We Have Succeeded In Establishing A Global Resistance Movement; We Have Succeeded In Putting The Sole Ruler [The U.S.] In Its Place And In Leading The World Towards A Schism In The Global Power”
Babaee said: „After 46 years, the dear Imam [Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini] and the dear martyrs who are watching us [see that] we have succeeded in establishing a global resistance movement. We have succeeded in putting the sole ruler [i.e. the U.S.] in its place, and in leading the world towards a schism in the global power. [This is] a ruler who recognizes nothing but strength, force, and scheming. For this reason, the Iranian people has stood fast in defense, for the last 46 years, against the war that American launched against us, and the great Iranian nation is triumphing on the battlefield. At the same time, the wounds from America remain, have remained, and will remain in the soul of the Iranian people.
„The eight years of war that were forced upon us [the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq War], the downing of the passenger plane [Iran Air Flight 655 that was mistakenly shot down on July 3, 1988 by the U.S. Navy’s USS Vincennes], the assassination of [IRGC Qods Force commander] Qassem Soleimani [by the U.S. in January 2020], and the violation of the rights of our people – all these are the wounds caused by America in the hearts of our people. The Iranian people never sought war with anyone. It was America that forced hostility and war on it and caused Iran to see it as an enemy.
„The war [in Gaza] has continued for a long time, but the 'resistance’ emerged victorious, with pride, to the point where the new American president [Donald Trump] was forced, the day before his inauguration, to send [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu to Hamas in order to reach a peace agreement. The elements that had dreamed of the complete destruction of Gaza and southern Lebanon harmed all the divine religions, and, in the matter of their untrustworthiness, much has been said by the Supreme Leader [Khamenei] and our Imam [Khomeini]. The great Iranian nation has always aspired to [carry out] the mission of the Prophet, and seeks to present the Prophet of Islam to the world.”
„Today, The World Views 'The Resistance’ As The Central Axis Of The Pure Islam, Whose Hub Is The Islamic Republic [Of Iran] – Not A Country That Doesn’t Dare To Defend Gaza And Islam”
Hajji Babaee said: „Today, the world views 'the resistance’ as the central axis of the pure Islam, whose hub is the Islamic Republic [of Iran] – not a country that doesn’t dare to defend Gaza and Islam. When our leaders said that we are nearing the summit, there were those who tried to interpret and explain his words. But that was not necessary. Did Gaza not put America and the Zionist regime in their place? Gaza succeeded in putting the superpowers in their place.
„If at times it is claimed that the resistance in Syria failed – this is a mistake. The resistance, like the mission of the Prophet [Mohammad], is an ongoing movement that requires the establishment of powerful strongholds in various places. As [Iranian Supreme] Leader [Ali] Khamenei has said, the young Syrians will build powerful strongholds which will protect the resistance forever.”
„America Is Striving With All Its Might Against The Iranian People – And As Long As This Hostility Continues, It Will Not Be Able To Impose Its Will On Us In The Guise Of Negotiations”; „Maintaining Tehran’s Security Requires Global Might”
Stating that „we must build a good life for the people and work toward solving its economic problems,” Hajji Babaee asked: „But who is levying sanctions against us? Who is using force? Who is preventing Iran from selling [its] oil and ordering various countries to block its water sources?”
Answering his own questions, he said: „America is striving with all its might against the Iranian people, and as long as this hostility continues, it will not be able to impose its will on us in the guise of negotiations. We did not initiate hostility. You [America] generated it. You waged a policy of hatred, and turned our young people into martyrs. Despite this, we have succeeded in achieving esteem in the world.
„In order to solve the country’s problems, specifically its economic hardships, we need the support of the people. The Iranian people is remarkable, and for 46 years [since the 1979 Islamic Revolution] it has been steadfast and dealt with all the hardships.
„Today, it is impossible to enjoy a good life in any country unless that country has a role in the global balance of power. If America has a presence in our region, it must be directed back to its own country. What is it doing in the Persian Gulf? It comes here to incite wars, to prevent countries from developing, and to plunder their resources for the benefit of its people. Is it possible to sit in Tehran and maintain its security only from within the city? Maintaining Tehran’s security demands global might. In order to ensure a stable economy and [the possibility of] oil exports, we need might. We have attained this might, and we are nearing the summit. We must protect the rights of the people and prevent any harm from coming to them. This is the absolute right of the Iranian people.
„The Iranian people has never started a war – rather, war and hostility have always been forced upon it. The Iranian people has suffered harm, and all its citizens bear those wounds. Today, everyone must understand that the Islamic Republic is in a position of power. Contrary to the situation that America attempted to impose, that is, that Iran in a weak position in Syria, Gaza has proven otherwise. The world saw that even in the prisoner exchange deals, the image of the Americans and their allies was stained with disgrace. They killed 15,000 children and 50,000 innocent people. Was Hamas weakened? Within only two weeks, it successfully rebuilt itself.”
„America, We Understand Well Your F-35– And You Understand Well Our missiles with a range of 2,000 km”; „We Have Neared The Summit, And America Is Noticing”; We Will Speak To Whoever Wishes To Speak To Us From A Position Of Strength”
Hajji Babaee continued: „Everywhere that we go and make our voice heard, we speak for a better future for the Iranian people. In every debate and negotiation our goal is to preserve the honor and prestige of the people. America, we understand well your F-35, and you understand well our missiles with a range of 2,000 km. We have neared the summit, and America is noticing. You said [to us] to beware of [President] Trump, but his first step was to instruct [Israeli Prime Minister] Netanyahu to reach a peace agreement – this is the power of Iran and of the resistance. With this power we are advancing. We will speak to whoever wishes to speak to us from a position of strength. You [i.e. America] were never worthy of trust. If only you would realize that you cannot speak to the Iranian people in the language of force, coercion, and pretentiousness[!] The Iranian people strives for a good future; our martyrs have followed the path of the Imam Hussein [son of the Imam Ali, founder of Shi’ism, who was killed in the 680 Battle of Karbala].”
„The Country That Spreads Wahhabism [Saudi Arabia] Does Not Represent The Pure Islam – The Pure Islam Is In Iran”; „Gaza Has Become Karbala”; „Allah… The Quran, And The Prophet Are With Us And Great Successes Await Us”
„The Iranian people will withstand all the hardships and prevail. Today, the country that spreads Wahhabism [Saudi Arabia] does not represent the pure Islam. The pure Islam is in Iran, Gaza, Lebanon, and Yemen – those who are faithful to liberty and the rights of the peoples. The Imam [Khomeini] said that Palestine and Gaza will not triumph until they become Karbala. Gaza has become Karbala.[2] All those who speak of 'the American Islam’[3] do not dare today to mention Islam or to defend Gaza. Allah is with us, have no fear – the Quran and the Prophet are with us and great successes await us.”
„If We Want To Break The Prestige Of America And Prevent It From Continuing On Its Path Of Extortion And Hostility, We Must Enter The Battle From A Position Of Strength”
Hajji Babaee continued: „Could anyone have imagined that we would attack the Zionist regime and Tel Aviv? We fought directly against America – the same America that waged the war and provided technology. And where was Netanyahu? In Operation True Promise [Iran’s term for its April 13-14, 2024 missile and drone attack on Israel] he lost his mind.
„America realizes that the military war against us has ended. But now it is waging an economic war against us. No Friday prayer in the world was as broad and popular as the Friday prayer of victory in Tehran,[4] which was held under the leadership of the Supreme Leader and in the presence of the people.
„If we want to break the prestige of America and prevent it from continuing on its path of extortion and hostility, we must enter the battle from a position of strength. The only way to do this is through the people’s massive presence on Islamic Revolution Day, February 10, 2025. We must demonstrate might in the world arena – because without might, even the air in our cities will be polluted [that is, Tehran’s chronic severe air pollution is a American conspiracy]. If we want America to understand that it cannot talk to the Iranian people in the language of force and coercion, we must stand up en masse on February 10, 2025. A broad presence of the people on this day will be the equivalent of the thousands of missiles fired by Operation True Promise [against Israel] in a message to our enemies.”
Addressing „the Iranian people,” Hajji Babaee concluded: „You love your regime, but you have complaints about some of the people in the administration, and you are right. The administration officials must launch an informational jihad. Our economic infrastructure is stable, but our economy suffers from a 'cancerous growth’ of [high] cost of living and inflation, the roots of which lie in various factors. These problems must be solved by means of popular presence and giving our leaders the power to act.”[5]
[1] Wahhabism, the conservative Sunni Islamic movement that interprets Islam as it is written, was founded by Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab (1691-1787) who was from the Najd region in the Arabian Peninsula. The Wahhabis have always maintained close relations with the House of Saud, which rules Saudi Arabia. After Al-Qaeda’s 9/11 attack, in which 15 Saudi nationals participated, Saudi Arabia was criticized for the Wahhabi ideology that prevailed in the country that fostered extremism, such as the brand of extremism in whose name the terrorists carried out their attack. Following this criticism, the official religious stream in Saudi Arabia began to differentiate itself from the extremist currents in the country, claiming that the former had distorted the intentions of the original Islam, and that the label of Wahhabism had been slapped on Saudi Arabia in order to slander it. Prince Salman bin Abd Al-Aziz, governor of Riyadh province and head of the Saudi royal family, claimed that there was no connection between the term „Wahhabism,” which is derogatory, and Ibn Abd Al-Wahhab’s views. He described Ibn 'Abd Al-Wahhab and his successors as Salafists, who adhere to the early Islam of Muhammad and his companions, while the term „Wahhabism” was fabricated in order to discredit its followers and claim that they had established a separate school of thought. See MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 2953, Saudi Prince Salman: The Term 'Wahhabi’ Was Coined by Saudi Arabia’s Enemies, May 13, 2010.
[2] The 680 CE Battle of Karbala is of particular importance in the development of Shi’ite Islam, which promotes the belief that „every day is Ashura, every place is Karbala” and the preservation of Islamic revolutionary fervor. The battle, that in effect established the Sunni-Shi’ite divide in Islam, was between the supporters and relatives of Mohammad’s grandson Hussein bin Ali and a military force sent by Yazid ibn Mu’awiya, the Umayyad (Sunni) caliph. Yazid demanded that Hussein recognize him as the Muslim ruler, but Hussein refused and Yazid used the power of the state to starve Hussein’s men, including their wives and children. Hussein refused to back down, choosing to die instead. He and his supporters were killed by Yazid’s forces during the first day’s battles in Karbala.
[3] Khomeini coined the term „the American Islam” for what he referred to as Westernized streams of Islam that had compromised with the West or that he said were not committed to the „true” principles of Islam.
[4] „Victory prayer” refers to the Friday prayer held in Tehran on October 4, 2024 that was led by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei himself after Iran’s second missile attack on Israel on October 1. The prayer included messages about the Islamic ummah, the resistance against Zionism, and a call to continue the struggle against America and Israel.
[5] ISNA, January 31, 2025.